Susan Myers Price
Susan Myers was born May 23, 1949 in Athens, Georgia. She attended Atlanta schools until her father was transferred to Charlotte. She graduated from Independence High School and attended CPCC. She worked at Carolina Medical Center as a Nurse Assistant for ten years until her son was born. When their son was three years old and started preschool at a daycare, Susan took a job there and worked for fifteen years until she was disabled by cancer and cancer treatments.
She married her devoted husband of 41 years, Jim Price, in 1973, and their one son, Jay, was born in 1984. All three would tell you they had a good life.
Susan Myers Price always said she was happiest when she was up to her elbows in dirt, working with flowers, or up to her wrists in cookie dough. It is difficult to relate how good those cookies were, how beautiful her flowers were, or how she could touch the people she encountered.
Susan had a unique ability to make everyone feel special. It was easy for Susan to love other people and it was easy for other people to love Susan. She always said she would live until she died, and she showed us how to do that, going strong right up to the week of her death. Susan loved sharing her plants and flowers as much as growing them. She loved sharing cookies, and even though she struggled with an eleven year battle with cancer, she was always walking to the neighbors carrying her delicious cookies or produce from the garden, sending cookies with her husband to his work, or taking cookies to church to share at coffee time.
She seemed to always, even in the midst of her personal health struggles, to be doing something for other people. She told her minister before her death that her only regret was that she was not able to help more people. Someone who gave so much wanted to give even more. Any students receiving the Susan Myers Price Scholarship should know how much she wanted students to enjoy what they are doing and to be able to have good lives as a result of their work.
This scholarship was established to keep the name Susan Myers Price alive. Susan would want you to be a good person and be a good student. You will honor her by working hard, enjoying yourself and the fruits of your labors, and by sharing, just as Susan would have done. Godspeed.